日本財団 図書館


8. In the case of raising an objection to the decision under paragraph 5, discontent with the purchase price may not be the reason for dissatisfaction with the decision.


Article 50. The aerodrome provider for public use shall, in accordance with the provisions in a Cabinet Order, compensate the owner of the land concerned or other title thereof for losses normally arising from restrained utilization thereof under the provisions of the preceding Article paragraph 1 with regard to the land corresponding to such a projected plane of the approach, transitional or horizontal surface (restricted only to where the distance from the approach surface, transitional surface or horizontal surface is less than 10 meters) as a result of the establishment of the aerodrome concerned or the alteration of the facilities under Article 43 paragraph 1.


2. The owner of the land under the preceding paragraph may request the aerodrome provider to purchase the land in accordance with the provisions in a Cabinet Order, except under paragraph 4 of the same Article, if it has become extremely difficult to make use of the land for the purpose for which it has hitherto been utilized due to restrained utilization thereof under the provisions of the preceding Article paragraph 1.


3. The provisions of paragraph 5 through 7 of the preceding Article shall apply accordingly to any case under the preceding two paragraphs.


(Aeronautical Obstruction Lights)
Article 51. The owner or person who has the title to any structures with a height of 60 meters and more from the ground or the water shall install aeronautical obstruction lights on the structures concerned in accordance with the provisions in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport. However, the same shall not apply in cases where special permission is granted by the Minister of Transport.


2. The aerodrome provider shall install aeronautical obstruction lights on the structures (except those structures on which aeronautical obstruction lights are being installed under the provisions of the preceding paragraph) specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport and which are located in an area corresponding with the approach surface, transitional surface or horizontal surface of the aerodrome concerned in accordance with the provisions in the Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


3. The Minister of Transport shall provide for the installation of aeronautical obstruction lights on structures which may seriously impede the safe operation of aircraft, other than those specified under the provisions of the





